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Free Manuals & Handbooks

  1. The Joy of Cloning

  2. The Cell Biology Laboratory Manual by William H. Heidcamp

  3. The Biology Hypertextbook
    This book from the Massachusets Institute of Technology is intended to benifit their Introductory Biology course. Therefore, it includes MIT-students-only services such as online tutorials and quizzes, but everyone can use the textbook. Subjects include a chemistry review and chapters on cell biology, enzyme biochemistry, genetics, recombinant DNA, immunology and more.

  4. For more Antibody Educational Material follow this link.

    Other Books of Possible interest

  5. Chemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic Interaction, ed. by Thomas Eisner and Gerrold Meinwald

  6. Calculating the Secrets of Life: Applications of the Mathematical Sciences in Molecular Biology, ed. by Eric S. Lander and Michael S. Waterman

  7. Biomolecular Self-Assembling Materials: Scientific and Technological Frontiers by National Research Council Board on Physics and Astronomy

  8. Risk Communication and Vaccination: Summary of a Workshop by Institute of Medicine

  9. DNA Technology in Forensic Science by National Research Council Commission on Life Sciences

  10. Radiation Hazards to Crews of Interplanetary Missions: Biological Issues and Research Strategies by National Research Council Space Studies Board

  11. Overcoming Barriers to Immunization: A Workshop Summary