WWW Resource .

    Updated 25 october 2004

    10 Downing Street official web site.


    1and1 hosting

    Web Site Hosting and DNS Provider


    50 MB of FREE Web space

    A different genetic code in human mitochondria.

    Nature 1979 Nov 8;282(5735):189-94

    A Gene Map of the Human Genome

    The Human Genome Project is expected to produce a sequence of DNA representing the functional blueprint and evolutionary history of the human species. However, only about 3% of this sequence is thought to specify the portions of our 50,000 to 100,000 genes that encode proteins. '

    A Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms

    Glossary of genetic terms with pictures and links, results show also the context sensitive meaning of the related terms.

    A New Gen Map of the Human Genome

    This new gene map represents such an index as it includes the locations, within this text, of more than 30,000 genes and provides an early glimpse of some of the most important pieces of the genome. Even more importantly, the map can be immediately applied by scientists to the identification and isolation of genes that either directly cause human ailments or increase our susceptibility to disease.

    A primer to phylogenetic analysis using Phylip package

    The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to use Phylip, a collection of phylogenetic analysis software, and some of the options that are available. This tutorial is not intented to be a course in phylogenetics, although some phylogenetic concepts will be discussed briefly.

    A Visit With Dr. Francis Crick (Access Excellence classic collection)

    What follows is a transcript of a visit with Dr. Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of the DNA molecule. Dr. Crick offers a fascinating look at the world of science at the time of this important discovery, as well as an equally fascinating glimpse into the thought processes of a brilliant scientist and thinker.

    A Web of On-line Dictionaries

    Now linked to more than 400 dictionaries of over 130 different languages


    Abcam is the world's number one website for buying and selling antibody reagents. Abcam's mission is to provide a complete antibody location service for researchers that will enable them to find the right antibody for their needs, whoever the supplier, in just a few minutes.


    ABIView Java application allows the viewing of ABI format automated sequencing files in Windows (3.x or 95). ABIView is freely distributable. Current Version 1.1

    About DNA Fingerprinting

    DNA Fingerprints, RFLPs, Slot Blots -- these are all variants of the poweful new technology that has revolutionized forensic science: DNA testing.

    Academic Assistance Access

    Academic Assistance Access functions in a mailing list environment divided by subject matter. By subscribing to a specific mailing list, you will get answers to your questions. AAA IS PROUD TO PROVIDE THIS SERVICE AT NO COST! '

    Access Excellence Classic Collection : The Structure of DNA

    What is the Classic Collection? A number of people and events have undoubtedly changed and defined the face of scientific knowledge. The Classic Collection, an ongoing series, examines these people and events. Each chapter in the collection focuses on a single person or event by putting it into historical context and relating it to current science. Included in each unit is a set of suggested references, classroom activities, graphics, background paper and more.

    Acclaim scientists

    Acclaim is a national programme of activity which seeks to increase the public recognition and appreciation of leading scientific research and the achievement of scientists in Britain today.

    Advisory unit (the): Computers in education

    The Advisory Unit is an independent organisation offering IT services and educational software to schools. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive service to help teachers use computers effectively.

    AEB and SEG examining boards



    AgBiotechNet, the online service for agricultural biotechnology, delivers an exciting range of content on plant and animal biotechnology. It provides easy access to information on cloning, genomics, genetic engineering, in vitro culture, biosafety, intellectual property rights and all key issues in agricultural biotechnology through news, reviews, abstracts reports, links, book chapters and much more.


    AGRIS is the international information system for the agricultural sciences and technology. The system identifies worldwide literature (both conventional and non-conventional; the so-called "grey" literature), dealing with all aspects of agriculture.

    CARIS is the Current Agricultural Research Information System, which identifies projects dealing with information on agriculture.


    Aiglon College, Switzerland

    The Multi-Cultural British Boarding School in the Swiss Alps, providing a world-class English-style residential education for 300 boys and girls aged 9-18 from 53 nations.

    Alerting service for Taylor and Francis publications

    Taylor & Francis has been publishing peer-reviewed journals for two centuries. Starting with the Philosophical Magazine, the company expanded the range of journals into science and engineering. In February 2000, 63 journals from Scandinavian University Press became part of our portfolio.

    All Species Inventory

    If we discovered life on another planet, the first thing we would do is conduct a systematic inventory of that planet's life. This is something we have never done on our home planet. The aim of the All Species Inventory is simple: within the span of our own generation, record and genetically sample every living species of life on Earth.

    All the Virology on the WWW

    Provides a collection all the virology related Web sites that might be of interest to fellow virologists, and others interested in learning more about viruses.

    All wais databases

    The main goal of the project is to contribute to the task of improving searching capability of the existing networked information retrieval (NIR) tools and to make a step in the direction towards unifying the existing tools: WWW, WAIS, etc.

    Amazon.com: Books, Music & More!

    On-Line bookshop

    American Society for Cell Biology

    The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) was founded in 1961 to bring the varied facets of cell biology together. The Society's objective is to provide for the exchange of scientific knowledge in the area of cell biology.

    Amino Acid Repository (the)

    The IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules contains visual and other information on three-dimensional biopolymer structures.

    Amino Acids

    This page on amino acids is both in English and in German.

    An Alphabetic List of Genetic Analysis Software

    This list mainly contains computer software on genetic linkage analysis, marker mapping, and pedigree drawing.

    An ideal web site

    The South East England and Southern Tourist Boards have taken a lead role in researching how the Internet is used for choosing and booking holidays; in a study supported by the English Tourism Council. The findings from this research give essential feedback on good web design and in the way people use the Internet.

    An introduction to insecticides


    An introduction to photosynthesis

    This introduction to photosynthesis has appeared in condensed form in the magazine "The World & I" (March 1998 issue, pages 158-165) and was written by Wim Vermaas (wim@asu.edu).


    The #1 statistical analysis add-in for Excel. Extensive parametric, non-parametric, and clinical research statistics

    Analysis tools tutorials

    Analysis tools tutorials in Europe.

    Anatomy of a Comparative Gene Expression Study

    DNA microarrays are perfectly suited for comparing gene expression in different populations of cells. The hows and whys of such an experiment provide insight into the power of microarrays, their limitations, and the kinds of biological questions which they can help to answer...

    Antibody Resource Page

    This site provides the following Antibody information: Educational Resources about Antibodies Online Databanks/Databases Online Journals Online Companies that Sell Antibodies Custom Antibody Suppliers How to Find an Antibody Antibody Gallery Miscellaneous Biotechnology Sites Antibody News

    Antibodies-online Page

    This site is the world´s largest online marketplace for research antibodies and adjacent products. A large number of scientists from the United States, Europe and Asia use our platform on a daily basis to find the right reagents and antibodies. We currently list 413.761 antibodies and 124.473 ELISA Kits from over 120 suppliers from all over the world. Their products are being shipped to more than 50 different countries.

    Apiculture a Bruxelles

    Pages of information on Bees in French.

    Applied BioSystem - Genotyper(r) Software

    ABI PRISM® Genotyper® Software is part of a software suite for automated fluorescent microsatellite analysis. Utilizing the peak size and quantitation data generated by GeneScan® Analysis Software, Genotyper® software simplifies the complex process of microsatellite analysis by providing the user with the tools to automatically analyze both small and large amounts of data.

    Applied BioSystems - GeneScan (R) Analysis Software

    GeneScan® Analysis software is the foundation of the ABI PRISM® genotyping software suite. Designed for any fragment analysis application, GeneScan software analyzes the raw data collected from ABI PRISM® instruments and automatically identifies, quantitates, and sizes each DNA fragment.


    ArgoSphere is a collection of children\'s activities representing a hyperjump in education on the Internet. Its aim is to give children something to do rather than passively trawl through page after page of information. It is ideal for children at both home and school. The facility to download individual activities onto hard disc means that phone charges and on-line time are kept to a minimum while graphics are loaded at lightning speed.

    ArrayExpress Database

    the European Bioinformatics Institute is committed to establishing a public repository for microarray based gene expression data, named ArrayExpress. Currently the EBI is establishing a pilot database containing microarray gene expression data that are available publicly.

    ARS Genome Database Resource

    This server consists of genome information for agriculturally important organisms. At present, this encompasses mostly crop and livestock animal species. However, since all genome information is potentially valuable to our users we have information related to non-commodity species as well. Also included are a number of databases that have related information, e.g. germplasm and plant gene nomenclature data.

    Article about Genedoc

    Karl B. Nicholas1, Hugh B. Nicholas Jr.2, and David W. Deerfield II.2 1 Bank of America; 315 Montgomery; San Francisco, CA 94127 2 Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center; 4400 Fifth Avenue; Pittsburgh, PA, 15213.


    This site provides all the information you need to know about Ascomycota

    ASE: Association of Science Education

    Teachers helping teachers to teach science


    Just type a question and click "Ask!"

    Association for Biology Laboratory Education

    ... to promote information exchange among university and college educators actively concerned with teaching biology in a laboratory setting. The focus of ABLE is to improve the undergraduate biology laboratory experience by promoting the development and dissemination of interesting, innovative, and reliable laboratory exercises.

    Association for the Promotion and Advancement of Science Education

    Science surrounds us. Understanding science helps us understand ourselves and our world - from holes in the ozone layer to the Internet. Our goal at APASE is to promote science literacy by providing children and their adult role models with gender-equitable resources that invite curiosity and expand basic science knowledge. .

    Associative database of protein sequences

    A lot of projects and databases.

    at the university of Oklaoma.

    at the university of Oklaoma.

    ATL: Association for Teachers and Lecturers

    home pages of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) - the leading professional organisation and trade union for teachers and lecturers with over 150,000 members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Here we describe who we are, what we stand for and the range of services and support we can offer members. Membership is open to all teachers and lecturers, except headteachers and principals.

    Atlas of Nucleic Acid Containing Structures

    The goal of the Nucleic Acid Database Project (NDB) is to assemble and distribute structural information about nucleic acids.

    Atoms, Bonding and Structure

    Topics include: chemical elements, compounds and mixtures; atomic structure; chemical bonding; structure of materials and bond energies. Includes interactive simulations of ionic bonding and covalent bonding.

    Atoms, Symbols and Equations

    A unique interactive multimedia Chemistry tutor for Windows which tests students as they learn. Topics include: elements, symbols, valency, formulas, equations, atomic structure and the formation of ions. Skills are taught through familiar examples, (to help reinforce general chemical knowledge) and by frequent reference to two online Periodic Tables.

    Bacteria division



    -To provide a basic understanding of selected topics in immunology, virology and eukaryotic microbiology and a solid platform for more advanced courses.
    -To understand how information is acquired by experimentation and utilization of various information sources.


    The BBC Homepage - Your gateway to BBC Online


    BBCi makes discovering our web and interactive services more entertaining but less hassle. Because we want you to make the most of what we're offering, we've introduced a number of innovative new features.

    BBSRC unix FAQ


    BCM : Multisequence alignment

    Multisequence alignment Search

    BCM gene finder

    Splice sites, Protein coding exons and Gene model construction, Promotor and poly-A region recognition

    BCM Search Launcher :

    The BCM Search Launcher organizes and simplifies molecular biology-related search and analysis services available on the WWW. It provides a single point-of-entry for related services, for example, a single page for launching nucleic acid sequence searches using standard parameters. See last newsletter

    Beadle, George Wells

    ...they began the study of the development of eye pigment in Drosophila which later led to the work on the biochemistry of the genetics of the fungus Neurospora for which Beadle and Edward Lawrie Tatum were together awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

    Beginners Guide to Molecular Biology

    Our very own Dummies guide to Molbio....

    Berg, Paul


    Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project

    This new database represents one of the initial steps towards the ultimate construction of an integrated Genome Projects- FlyBase database. Our current database contains data from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project, the European Drosophila Genome Project, and genes and aberrations that FlyBase has curated from the literature. In combination with the links to the existing FlyBase database it represents a comprehensive collection that covers data from laboratory to literature.

    Bibliography of synthetic Pyrethroid Insecticides

    Citations from the scientific literature on the environmental behavior and occurrence of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides were obtained from three computerized bibliographic data bases: Chemical Abstracts, Selected Water Resources Abstracts, and Agricola. Approximately 10,000 citations were found but more than half were eliminated because they were directed strictly toward agricultural or industrial uses. The remaining 4,000 were categorized here by environmental process, occurrence, analysis, toxicity, or physical/chemical property.

    Bic_sw Database Searches at the EBI

    Database search

    Bio- Online

    Bio Online is a comprehensive site for information and services related to biotechnology and pharmaceutical research on the Internet, combining resources of the biotechnology companies, biotechnology centers, research and academic institutions, industry suppliers, government agencies, and non-profit special interest groups. Free access to company information, career opportunities, news and events, and industry publications. Our On-line Store allows users to freely browse and purchase scientific research supplies, software, publications and computer equipment. Bio Online provides comprehensive listings of research, government, industry and medical resources.

    BioAnim: Cell Tissue, Human Body

    Learn easier and faster by using interactive virtual reality worlds!

    BioCareer: The SciWeb Biotechnology Career Center

    SciWeb - The Life Science Home Page and The BioCareer Center. SciJob.com, SciJobs.com, Life Science, Biology, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, And Medical Diagnostic Information, Career, Job and Resume Resources.

    BioCatalogue (The)

    The BioCatalog is a software directory of general interest in molecular biology and genetics.

    Biochemical Learning Resource

    These are a growing collection of educational resources for students of Biochemistry produced by Jon Maber in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of The University of Leeds..

    Biochemist On-Line

    This site has the following purposes: To serve as a site where individuals can publish their ongoing research. To provide biochemists with Links to reference material found on the Internet. It will provide an on-line message board where individuals can post questions or comments about ongoing research

    Biochemistry and Biotechnology Meetings

    Here are the next 154 out of 827 coming events listed for this specialty in the MediConf database up to the year 2008.

    Biochemistry in 3d - Lehninger

    Biochemistry in 3D is a collection of interactive tutorials using 3D structures to teach concepts in Biochemistry. It is designed to accompany Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 3rd edition.

    Biochemistry programs

    These programs can be useful to biochemists. (one that helps locating molecules and enzymes in the metabolsim network, chemical calculator...)


    Biocompare does not sell anything. We are a neutral source for life-science product information. We help you find the right product for your needs.

    Biocomputing Courses Resourses

    List of hypertext courses in Biocomputing

    BioComputing for everyone

    We want You to know what we are doing, how we search in our databanks, what we are excited about, how we see the world, how we reflect about our deeds...

    Biodiversity, from National Geographic

    See how much we stand to lose , find out how much we have to learn, and sound off on the state of nature—all in this Millennium installment.


    BioEdit is a biological sequence alignment editor written for Windows 95/98/NT. A rich, intuitive multiple document interface with many convenient features makes alignment, manipulation and viewing of sequences relatively quick and easy on your desktop computer.


    The Biography.com database puts over 20,000 of the greatest lives, past and present, at your fingertips.

    BioGuide - PCR

    What is PCR? Want to find out?

    Bioinformatics Web practical.

    This is an interactive exercise that aims to provide a taste of bioinformatics resources around the world.


    Although this is a webdirectory for bioinformatics in germany we have a lot of interesting links to websites in english.

    Biological Control Network

    Biocontrol Network will be publishing information and marketing alternatives to "conventional" chemical pesticides and fertilizers, by making this information accessible on the World Wide Web.

    Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America

    This guide provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM).



    Biology book: proteins and synthesis of proteins

    Use for educational purposes is heartily encouraged.

    Biology Education Software FAQ

    This site contains descriptions and reviews of some of the better software programs available for teaching biology at the college level.

    Biology Hypertextbook (the): DNA Replication

    Information on DNA Replication.

    Biology Hypertextbook (the): The central dogma

    Some useful information about DNA.

    Biology Learning Center : DNA, RNA, Protein synthesis

    The University of Arizona recently received a recognition award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for ongoing efforts to integrate research and undergraduate education. Among the initiatives and programs cited by NSF was The Biology Learning Center.

    Biology of Sealice Bibliography


    Biology Place (The)

    These educators share your interest in the Web as a unique environment for investigative learning and as a resource of information with unprecedented value to education. Peregrine is a new, independent publishing company devoted to developing the next generation of teaching and learning materials for the secondary and college markets.

    Biology Project (The)

    The Biology Project: an interactive, online resource for learning biology

    Biology Project (the): Molecular Biology Problem sets

    Problem Sets & Tutorials

    Biology Project: Cell cycle and Mitosis tutorial

    This exercise is designed to introduce you to the events that occur in the cell cycle and the process of mitosis that divides the duplicated genetic material creating two identical daughter cells


    Features hundreds of biological and medical publications.

    BioMolecular Engineering Research Center

    The BMERC is using and creating tools and methods for the study of computational biology. The center is working on secondary protein structure prediction, providing reliable profiles, and developing new ways to study molecular biology through Bioinformatics. Our work has led to the formulation and testing of major hypotheses in the areas of molecular evolution, gene regulation, developmental genetics, and protein structure-function relationships.

    bionet.molbio.methds-reagnts FAQ

    A newsgroup to discuss of methods in the lab!

    BioNews: latest news from Biotechnology

    BIONEWS - your biotech newsletter - has a focus on biotechnology, life sciences and pharmaceutical development in Europe. Additionally we cover news and information from all around the world.


    The BioProtocol website: -Is a rapidly growing repository of protocols
    -Contains dynamic protocols used in contributing labs
    - Provides you with a choice of protocols for a single procedure

    Bioresearch online

    Source for professionals in the bioresearch and life sciences industry- Information on drug discovery, laboratory systems and equipment, molecular and cell biology, genetic sequencing and more

    BIOSCI/bionet Electronic Newsgroup Network for Bio

    BIOSCI is a set of electronic communication forums - the bionet USENET newsgroups and parallel e-mail lists - used by biological scientists worldwide.

    Biosis: Did You Know?


    Biotech Bioinformatic resources


    Biotech Holdings

    BHI was established in 1990 to offer only the highest quality customized products and services for research laboratories.

    Biotech Resource Gateway


    BioTech's life science dictionary

    This free resource was developed by our staff members and contributors and is still very much under construction. Currently, most of our 8300+ terms deal with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics.

    Biotechnology for Biodiversity Industrial Platform

    1. To establish a forum for a free-flowing dialogue between molecular biologists and end-users
    2. To set into motion mechanisms for training and technology transfer.
    3. To provide 'after-care' for trained end-users establishing the techniques in-house.
    4. To achieve wider dissemination, promote education and increase public.

    Biotechnology Information Center (BIC)

    BIC provides access to a variety of information services and publications covering many aspects of agricultural biotechnology.

    Biotechnology software

    List of non commercial software available via the net. Everything is there....

    BioToolKit (The)

    Over 100 state-of-the-art molecular biology data retrieval, analysis, and structural visualization tools were recently added to the BioToolKit, which now provides over 600 annotated links to web tools for the study of nucleic acid, genome, and protein structure.


    BIOVISA.NET is a FREE, FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE community site built by and for bio-researchers.

    biowore.com: by scientists, for scientists.

    Biowire.com's mission is to become the definitive resource of knowledge and tools that bioresearchers need for efficient and successful science. Targeted to 400,000 life science researchers worldwide, the company's web site provides free, easy-to-use analytical tools and scientist-authored reviews of high-end, experiment-specific research products, such as enzymes, antibodies and reagent kits.


    ACeDB is a database program that is both object-oriented and relational. Originally written for the C. elegans genome project, ACeDB has been used for virtually all plant and animal genome databases,

    BITS information


    BITS virtual ftp

    This page contains links which will allow you to download our manuals, software and other information directly to your computer.


    Biz/ed is a unique business and economics service for students, teachers and lecturers.


    BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is a set of similarity search programs designed to explore all of the available sequence databases regardless of whether the query is protein or DNA. The BLAST programs have been designed for speed, with a minimal sacrifice of sensitivity to distant sequence relationships. The scores assigned in a BLAST search have a well-defined statistical interpretation, making real matches easier to distinguish from random background hits. BLAST uses a heuristic algorithm which seeks local as opposed to global alignments and is therefore able to detect relationships among sequences which share only isolated regions of similarity (Altschul et al., 1990).

    Blocks WWW Server

    Blocks are multiply aligned ungapped segments corresponding to the most highly conserved regions of proteins. Block Searcher, Get Blocks and Block Maker are aids to detection and verification of protein sequence homology. They compare a protein or DNA sequence to a database of protein blocks (current version), retrieve blocks, and create new blocks, respectively.

    Blood typing

    Is all blood the same? How can you tell what your blood type is? What are the different substances that make up your blood and what functions do they fill?


    Bobby WorldWide is a tool for Web page authors. It helps them identify changes to their pages so users with disabilities can more easily use their Web pages. For example, a blind user will be aided by adding a sound track to a movie, and a hard-of-hearing user will be aided by a written transcript of a sound file on a Web page. Bobby will recommend that these be added if they do not already exist.


    Bodyquest is an exploration of anatomy designed for students aged between 11 and 16.

    Bootstrapping Phylogenetic Trees: Theory and Methods

    Abstract. This is a survey of the use of the bootstrap in the area of systematic and evolutionary biology. I present the current usage by biologists of the bootstrap as a tool both for making inferences and for evaluating robustness, and propose a framework for thinking about these problems in terms of mathematical statistics.

    Boston College, USA



    Pretty Printing and Shading of Multiple-Sequence Alignments at ISREC, Switzerland This server takes a multiple-alignment file in either GCG's MSF-format or Clustals ALN-format. Output can be created in the following formats: Postscript/EPS (using shaded background) RTF old (using colors) RTF new (using shaded background) XFIG-files (using shaded background) ASCII (showing similarities) ASCII (showing differences) HPGL (using colors) PICT (for later editing on MACs and PCs)

    Britannica Internet Guide

    Every site included in the Britannica Internet Guide has been examined by a Britannica editor or contributor on the basis of certain editorial criteria. The Britannica Internet Guide does not include explicitly pornographic or violent sites, although some of the sites do address controversial or mature themes and include adult language.'

    British Library (the)


    Browser for Databanks in Molecular Biology (EBI, UK)

    This is the SRSWWW server at EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK , version 5.1.0

    Butterfly WebSite (The)

    This site provides complete information on butterfly gardening, farming, ecology and education. Very Colourful too.

    C O R A N T E

    Tech News, reviewed daily!

    Cancer Resources on the Web

    Imperial Cancer Research Fund is a registered UK charity dedicated to saving lives through research into the causes, prevention, treatment and cure of cancer.

    Carbohydrates (A level Biology)


    Cardiff Software

    Cardiff Software provides automated forms processing with the TELEform family of products.

    Career Guide

    Search Masters International (S.M.I.) has become known internationally for our success in executive search for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Our clients include major pharmaceutical firms, startup biotech companies, and scientific suppliers.

    Career Guide at Access Excellence

    There are tremendous career opportunities in biotechnology-related fields available now and in the near future. The industry is growing rapidly, on a global scale, and analysts are predicting that it will have a profound impact on health care, agriculture, energy, and environmental management.

    Careers in the Biological Sciences

    Many students have already made important career decisions (e.g. medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine) by their junior year. However, others remain undecided about the future and seek additional guidance and information. In order to assist our students and make them aware of the diverse career possibilities open to somebody with a background in the biological sciences, we are assembling various reference materials that are available in the BIO office.

    CATH: Protein Structure Classification

    CATH is a novel hierarchical classification of protein domain structures, which clusters proteins at four major levels, class(C), architecture(A), topology(T) and homologous superfamily (H). Class, derived from secondary structure content, is assigned for more than 90% of protein structures automatically. Architecture, which describes the gross orientation of secondary structures, independent of connectivities, is currently assigned manually. The topology level clusters structures according to their toplogical connections and numbers of secondary structures. The homologous superfamilies cluster proteins with highly similar structures and functions. The assignments of structures to toplogy families and homologous superfamilies are made by sequence and structure comparisons.

    CCMS Home Page

    The Computational Center for MacroMolecular Structures (CCMS) . The Computational Center for Macromolecular Structure (CCMS) is distributing and supporting software for the determination and analysis of the structures of biological macromolecules.

    Cell & Molecular Biology Online

    Cell & Molecular Biology Online is a general resource for the biology community with an emphasis on information for cell and molecular biologists. '

    Cell 'r us

    These pages are about cells. Did you know that your body is made of millions and millions tiny cells? Much of the research carried out by scientists at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund is to find out why cells go wrong and cause cancer. But did you know that all those millions and millions of cells came from just one tiny cell, the first cell that was you? Read on...

    Cell Biology Laboratory Manual

    A huge collection of Biology protocoles. You may not be able to perform all all them in you kitchen

    Cell metabolic network viewer

    Cell metabolic network viewer (Met) is designed to draw selected part of cell metabolic network. It is created mainly for academic teaching purposes for students with the speciality of biology, biotechnology, biochemistry and so on. Met is a cross-platform Java-based application. It has the internal index of more than 2000 chemical reactions that occur in a living cell. In spite of that, the modern achievements with Java platform allowed to place such application in file that is just 0.273 Mb in size.

    Cells Alive

    Learn about bacteria, viruses, parasites, cancer cells. How live immune cells attack and kill microbes. Procure stock video for TV and CDROMs. Order educational videos.

    Center for Human Simulation (The) (CHS)

    This site contains a series of elaborate presentations of the various parts and functions of the human body

    Centre for Science Education

    At Sheffield Hallam University.

    CEPH-Genethon genetic map data

    Genetic map data for chromosomes.

    Cephalopod Page (the)!

    This site looks at the various classes ans subclasses of Cephalopods.

    CGI under UNIX

    Manual by name of program

    CGI WebReference

    Great search-engine on all aspects of CGI.

    Channel 4 Schools.


    Chem ray

    Chem-Ray is a molecular graphics program written for Windows-95. On these pages you will find a description of the program and a selection of sample images.


    Sheffield's ChemdexTM has existed on the WWW since 1993 and exists to maintain an international directory of chemistry on the internet. There are 4050 links in the Chemdex and the Chemdex was last updated 27 July 1999.

    Chemical Calculator

    This is a shareware program designed for chemists, biologists and other scientific professionals. Its main purpose is to perform the calculations involved in the calculation of the amount of reagent to use when mixing up solutions. '

    Chemical Carousel: A Trip Around the Carbon Cycle

    This site looks into the role of carbon and it's compounds in daily life. A fun site, that is suitable for the middle school, high school, and college levels.

    Chemistry Societies network

    -The most comprehensive database of chemistry conferences and events available.
    A comprehensive resource for teachers and students of chemistry to learn more
    about their subject. -Useful information from selected chemsoc advertisers

    Chemscape for Window Download

    Free Software downloads


    A World Wide Club for the chemical community

    Cherwell Scientific Publishing, Software for Science and Research

    Cherwell Scientific discovers, develops and markets innovative software products and services for researchers in chemistry, genetics and the environmental and biomedical sciences.


    MDL's FREE chemical structure visualization plug-in for Windows and Macintosh.


    Shareware ($39) Opens chromatogram files from Applied Biosystems DNA sequencers, Prints chromatogram with options to zoom or fit to one page. Exports sequences in plaint text, formatted with base numbering, FASTA, EMBL, GenBank or GCG formats. Copy the sequence to the clipboard in plain text or FASTA format for pasting into other applications. Export sequences from batches of chromatogram files, with automatic removal of vector sequence. Reverse & complement the sequence and chromatogram. Search for sequences by exact matching or optimal alignment. Display translations in 3 frames along with the sequence. Copy an image of a chromatogram section for pasting into documents or presentations

    Chromosome 7 q31-q32



    Colour INteractive Editor for Multiple Alignments

    Cis-Peptide Bonds in Proteins

    The IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules contains visual and other information on three-dimensional biopolymer structures. It provides access to all structure entries deposited at the Protein Data Bank (PDB) or at the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB).

    Classification of Life

    Scientists group each separate kind of organism into a species according to the binomial system of nomenclature, which uses two Latin names to designate a separate type of organism.

    Classification of LIfe on this planet

    Classification is the ordering of animals into groups, based on their similarity. Taxonomy is the study of theoretical classification.

    Classification of living things

    An Introduction to the Principles of Taxonomy with a Focus on Human Classification Categories


    Welcome to a sneak preview of India's first exclusive online network of learning communities.

    CMS Molecular Biology Resource

    This website is a compendium of electronic and Internet-accessible tools and resources for Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Molecular Evolution, Biochemistry, and Biomolecular Modeling.

    CNet: authoring and site design




    Columbia Virtual Body (The)

    This site contains a series of elaborate presentations of the various parts and functions of the human body

    Computational Biology Tools


    Computational Genomic Group (CGG)

    Computational approaches for analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences and structures as well as understanding structural and functional organization of genetic signals encoded in genome sequences.

    Compute pI/Mw

    is a tool which allows the computation of the theoretical pI (isoelectric point) and Mw (molecular weight) for a list of SWISS-PROT and/or TREMBL entries or for a user entered sequence [reference].

    Consortium for International Crop Protection

    The Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP), a non-profit organization, was formed in 1978 by a group of U.S. universities. Its principal purpose was to assist developing nations reduce food crop losses caused by pests while also safe-guarding the environment. CICP's basic goal is to advance economically efficient and environmentally sound protection practices in developing countries and to ensure the health of rural and urban communities. The following are specific objectives of CICP's mission.

    Constructing Phylogenetic Trees

    A presentation summarizing the steps in constructing trees

    Contemporary issues in science: do your genes drive you to drink?

    Do your genes drive you to drink? Or is it your parents? Does alcoholism run in families because children inherit genes that increase their risk, or because they learn their drinking behaviour from their parents?

    Cours de BioInformatique


    Create and Send a SWISS-MODEL Request

    Create and Send a SWISS-MODEL Request

    Crick, Francis Harry Compton

    A critical influence in Crick's career was his friendship, beginning in 1951, with J. D. Watson, then a young man of 23, leading in 1953 to the proposal of the double-helical structure for DNA and the replication scheme.

    Crystallography on the Web

    This site provides information regarding Protein Crystallography and the principles of protein structure.

    CTI biology

    Promoting the use of learning technology in life science teaching

    Cutting Lambda DNA with restriction enzymes



    Quality, reliable, and affordable molecular biology services including: Oligo synthesis, DNA sequencing, Genotyping, Bioinformatics, etc.

    Cystic Fibrosis entry in OMIM

    Formerly known as cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, this autosomal recessive entity has increasingly been labeled simply cystic fibrosis...

    Cystic Fibrosis Gene location on chromosome 7

    The OMIM map presents the cytogenetic map location of disease genes and other expressed genes described in OMIM.

    Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Database

    The information contained in this database is compiled with information collected by the Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Analysis Consortium.

    Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc.

    The CFRI Knowledge Base is a collection of files about cystic fibrosis taken from our vast collection of CFRI newsletter articles, conference transcripts, and other sources.

    Cytokinesis mafia (the)

    The Cytokinetic Mafia is designed precisely for people who are passionate about cytokinesis! We are tired of cytokinesis being an afterthought in journal clubs, and of hearing groans every time the word cytokinesis is mentioned. To ensure proper representation of our cause, we have founded the Cytokinetic Mafia. Our group is predominantly a journal club, but we're also much more! Not only is it a great way to meet other people who share your passion for cytokinesis but it also a great way to keep up with the current literature on cytokinesis.

    Danish Pest Infestation Laboratory

    DPIL's work areas deal with insect and mammal pests on domestic animals, in stocks, buildings and used materials. The objective is to undertake research to facilitate effective prevention and/or control of pests, while at the same time minimizing pesticide used.


    IT in Science & Roger Frost's Dataloggerama is about using information technology in science teaching -Data files to use in data logging and data handling packages you will already have.
    -Handouts from talks as well as pointers to books, advice, training and information.
    - Reviews of software packages, non-partisan facts about data logging equipment.


    Software for metabolic, enzymatic and receptor-ligand binding simulation.


    Welcome to the web site of the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America, Inc. (DebRA). We are a voluntary, non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for Epidermolysis Bullosa. '


    Meta Search Engine.

    Deep view discussion group

    Use this forum for sharing ideas, questions, and concerns about Deep View and its applications in research, teaching, and publishing. Participants include the programmers who bring you Deep View.

    Deep View SPDB viewer

    Swiss-PdbViewer is an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyse several proteins at the same time. The proteins can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and compare their active sites or any other relevant parts. Amino acid mutations, H-bonds, angles and distances between atoms are easy to obtain thanks to the intuitive graphic and menu interface.

    Deep view Tutorial

    The best way to learn is by practising. Therefore, I have provided some practical examples that you should read, not only because I have spent so much time making them, but because they illustrate many operations that you will probably have to use during your research.

    Delbrück, Max

    Discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses..


    DeLiberations is the outcome of "The Interactive Electronic Magazine Project", part of the eLib (Electronic Libraries) Programme, and is based in the Educational and Staff Development Unit of the Academic Registrar's Office at London Guildhall University.

    Deoxy-Ribonucleotides and Watson-Crick Basepairs

    The IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules contains visual and other information on three-dimensional biopolymer structures. It provides access to all structure entries deposited at the Protein Data Bank (PDB) or at the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB).

    DerBrowser: Index

    DerBrowser is a genomic map display tool in Java.

    Design By Mark: Design and Usability

    This is where we think about the user. Wouldn't you like to make your site a better stay? How about giving them information fast and effectively? You are free to copy the my designs, but you must understand the meaning of the articles first.

    Det: rule based expert system

    Det is a free universal tool to develop branching tree and rule based expert system that gets conclusions from questions. Provides exact conclusion even if several answers were not correct. No special programming is required, already created old manuals for plant, insect, disease, electronic bug, etc recognising can often be used almost directly.

    Devlin Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlation

    Written to present biochemistry from a mammalian and human perspective, this text is ideal for students who are in medical, veterinary, pharmacy, nursing, pre-med and biologically oriented programs. Each of the chapters is authored by experienced educators expert in their area of presentation.


    DevX is the leading provider of technical information, tools and services for IT professionals developing corporate applications.

    Dictionary of Animals

    What's your favourite animal? Cat, dog, iguana, polar bear, hoatzin, or possibly a uakari? If you've never heard of the last two animals then this is the place to find out all about them. With descriptions of over 1,500 animals including information about their habitats, size and characteristics, this dictionary will let you into some of the secrets of the animal kingdom.

    Dictionary of Cell Biology

    The Dictionary of Cell Biology was first published in 1989, and has since been translated into several languages. It is intended to provide quick access to easily-understood and cross-referenced definitions of terms frequently encountered in reading the modern biology literature. This server contains the text of the Second edition, published in April 1995, together with enhancements, hypertext links and new entries which are destined for the third edition.

    Dictionary of Plants

    Did you know that a pansy is a type of violet? Or that some species of magnolia can grow to 150 feet tall? If you're green-fingered or love plants and flowers, this is the place for you. Search over 1,500 entries, or browse through the A-Z categories to discover all about the plant world.

    Discover Magazine

    This site contains the table of content of the current issue of discover magazine, and some of the articles. One would expect more graphic from a "Disney site", but this site is rich on content. Check tht editors web choices.

    Discover the magic of Enzymes

    Enzymes are the miracle workers of both nature and modern industry. Every time we do anything with biological material, enzymes pave the way. See for yourself.

    Disease Genetics

    Good site for learning about how genetics relates to disease.


    Graphical user interface for most of the GCG software and other SEQnet programs.

    DNA detective : gene probes & fingerprints

    Modern techniques in biotechnology mean that scientists can now detect individual genes in plants and animals, allowing faster and more accurate agricultural breeding programs and improving medical diagnosis of inherited disease.

    DNA Extraction With Kitchen Chemistry

    This protocol is written for teachers to guide students in extracting DNA from plant and animal tissues, like peas, onions, or liver. Great fun!

    DNA from A to Z


    DNA from the beginning

    A multimedia primer on the basis of DNA and heridity

    DNA learning Center

    The DNA Learning Center web page contains a wide variety of online DNA resources as well as information on our many workshops, field trips, courses and products.

    DNA Microarray Methodology - Flash Animation

    For fun: animated presentation of principle (Flash player required)

    DNA Microarrays (list of resources)

    Here are some interesting web sites and papers which will introduce you to one of the more exciting technological beakthroughs in genomics -- DNA microarrays. This site is far from a comprehensive listing, but it may be a good place to start.

    DNA Replication Protocols

    Methods used in the Fangman/Brewer lab

    DNA Workshop

    The activity in this section places you within the cell, involving you with the processes of DNA replication and protein synthesis.


    Say it with DNA.

    DNA: the Instruction Manual for All Life

    Exhibit developed for the Tech Museum of Innovation by EPIC: Electronic Publishing Instructional Curriculum at the University of California, Santa Cruz

    DNASTAR: Lasergene

    LASERGENE is a well-established, internationally renowned, bioinformatics computing suite for Windows or Macintosh, designed, developed and supported by DNASTAR Incc

    DNAtools software

    DNATools is a program package for handling and analysis of DNA and protein sequences. It includes a number of general facilities for sequence editing, restriction enzyme mapping, translation into protein etc. but also several more complex functions for creation of codon tables, primer design and ordering, SAGE analysis, mail blast search etc.

    Download Deep View manual

    This step is useful if you want to consult this user-guide from a computer not connected to the network.

    DPV: Database of Plant Viruses (internal)

    The CD-ROM contains a database containing all text and images of the descriptions, a taxonomic database of all plant viruses, a database containing all plant virus and viroid sequences in EMBL and Genbank, interactive software to display the genome and feature maps of representatives of each genus.

    DST. Local Human Repeats

    The searches set up below use the Dst algorithm. Two search modes are available: a search for human repeats using the file BR3X and a self-homology search that will find repeats more than 2kb apart. The images produced here after searching the repeat database are simplified versions of those produced by the stand alone program.

    Dummies books

    The Online Resource for the Rest of Us!

    Dutsch society for Histotechnichians en Cytotechnologists and Molecular Biology




    eBook: electronic books

    eBookNet is your total information source for electronic books and related devices: hardware, software and content. Check out the New eBooks in our eLibrary!

    Ecology WWW page

    This site provides a list of WWW Sites of Interest to Ecologists and students, teachers, researchers, and WWW surfers interested in ecology.

    Edexcel foundation


    Educate Online

    High tech design and a lot of information.

    Educate the Children

    It's main aim is to give primary (elementary) school teachers, parents, and children taught at home FREE access to a wide range of educational lesson plans and resources.

    Education & Training Academy / The Examination Technique Academy

    The ETA seeks to open doors so that every individual has an opportunity to reach his or her full potential if he or she so wishes. Our central belief is that if a human being cares, she or he should share - in the case of education and training, we ask the best minds to share their skills and expertise right here ! Be a part of educational history in the making.

    Education-net: the education market place

    Where education comes together

    Educational courses on the Web

    Another list of educationnal resources '


    Internet Education Service providing education resources for teachers and pupils

    EE-Link: Environmental Education on the Internet

    This is a Web Site for environmental education. Consistent with the key principles of environmental education, the objective is to spread information and ideas that will help educators explore the environment and investigate current issues with students.

    EEOB 208 Processes of Evolution

    A comprehensive course, with a series of slides and lecture notes looking into the Study of Evolution.

    Effect of the Environment on our DNA (The)

    This site provides a a series of experiments to allow students to see for themselves how the environment can effect DNA.

    Elementary Concepts in Statistics

    This Electronic Statistics Textbook offers training in the understanding and application of statistics

    Elementary Education

    Check this site often as each week I will provide elementary educators with entertaining and informative articles, lesson plans and ideas.

    Encyberpedia TM

    The Living Encyclopedia from Cyberspace TM

    Encyclopedia Britannica

    The place to start when you need to know!

    Endnote Plus

    Bibliographies made easy!

    Endoplasmic Reticulum: Structure and Function

    Cell Biology is a multidisciplinary Ph.D Graduate program at The University of Texas Medical Branch. This program is part of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. The academic program provides training in a variety of disciplines using experimental approaches in Cell and Molecular Biology.

    Entomological Foundation (The)

    Created in 1991, The Entomological Foundation, Inc., serves as a resource development organization for the Entomological Society of America. The Entomological Foundation is a nonprofit, scientific, educational organization dedicated to the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge within the field of entomology. The foundation's primary objective is to promote education and research in entomology.

    Entrez Browser (The NCBI WWW) .

    WWW Entrez currently allows you to access three databases : a subset of the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE database, the NCBI protein database, and the NCBI nucleotide database.


    A library of information on environmental issues.

    Environmental Biology Sequence - Ecosystems

    The main concepts we are trying to get across in this section concern how energy moves through an ecosystem. If you can understand this, you are in good shape, because then you have an idea of how ecosystems are balanced, how they may be affected by human activities, and how pollutants will move through an ecosystem. If you had Biology 101, this should be review; if you had Geology 101, this is new stuff. Either way, it is pretty basic and you shouldn't have much trouble reading this material or the associated material in the text.

    Environmental Organization WebDirectory

    This site is a environmental search engine. Good information source regarding environmental matters.

    Enzymatic RNA Molecules and the Replication of Chromosome Ends

    A cell must orchestrate thousands of chemical reactions in order to live, to grow, and to respond to its environment. These chemical reactions rarely happen spontaneously but are usually catalyzed by macromolecules called enzymes. It was long thought that all enzymes were proteins. More recently we and others have found that RNA can in some cases act as an enzyme.


    A directory of directories

    European Initiative for Biotechnology Education

    The European Initiative for Biotechnology Education (EIBE) consists of a group of educators who seek to promote skills, enhance understanding and facilitate informed public debate through improved biotechnology education in schools and colleges throughout the European Union (EU).

    European Initiative for Biotechnology Education

    The European Initiative for Biotechnology Education (EIBE) seeks to promote skills, enhance understanding and facilitate public debate throughout Europe.

    Founded in 1991, EIBE has become an active European multidisciplinary network of experts in biotechnology education drawn from 20 centres in 17 European countries.

    Eurydice : An Action of the European Community Programme on Education

    The role of EURYDICE, the Information Network on Education in Europe, is to promote the exchange and the production of reliable and comparable information on education systems and on national policies in the field of education in Europe.

    Everything's Great When It Sits on a Chip

    Article on Microarrays


    Evolution Consultants are a specialist team who recruit at all levels within the following areas: Life Sciences, Biotechnology' Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics , Analytical Chemistry , Drug Discovery Pharmaceutical

    ExPASy Tools


    ExpAsy: Swiss 2D page

    Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis database

    Exploration of Evolutionary Rates

    This exercise will investigate evolutionary distance among vertebrate beta globin genes. There are many examples of beta globins where there is a swissprot entry but no corresponding DNA sequence. These were sequenced as proteins and nobody has got around to cloning the gene.

    Explore Science

    Highly interactive science activities for students and educators.

    Exploring Biology Using the Internet


    Exploring the Cell (pdf)

    What cells do and how cell biologists study them. A publication of the American Society for Cell Biology

    Expressed Sequence Tags (dEST)

    dbEST (Nature Genetics 4:332-3;1993) is a division of GenBank that contains sequence data and other information on "single-pass" cDNA sequences, or Expressed Sequence Tags, from a number of organisms. A brief account of the history and current status of human ESTs in GenBank is available (Trends Biochem. Sci. 20:295-6;1995). Also, consult the special "Genome Directory" issue of Nature (vol. 377, issue 6547S, 28 September 1995).

    Expression Browser

    Expression Browser is a tool for visualizing clusters of expression data. It allows the user to browse the clusters without having to view all the data at once. It relies heavily on an interactive tree display, with additional information about genes or conditions appearing as you click within a tree.

    Expression Profiler

    Expression Profiler is a set of tools for the clustering, analysis and visualization of gene expression and sequence data.


    Welcome to exxams.com....Your gateway to exams success..We invite you to simply download past questions and answers on any subject and use them to revise or access tutorial and revision materials free!

    FAQ on installing Deep View


    fastDNAml construction of phylogenetic trees of DNA Sequences

    Olsen, G. J., Matsuda, H., Hagstrom, R., and Overbeek, R. 1994. fastDNAml: A tool for construction of phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences using maximum likelihood. Comput. Appl. Biosci. 10: 41-48.
    Felsenstein, J. 1981. Evolutionary trees from DNA sequences: A maximum likelihood approach. J. Mol. Evol. 17: 368-376.

    Featured Creatures

    Featured Creatures provides in-depth profiles of insects, nematodes, arachnids and other organisms that are of interest to Florida\'s residents.

    FEDA: Further Education Development Agency

    The Further Education Development Agency (FEDA) is an independent organisation, established in April 1995 to provide services to further education which promote quality, lead curriculum design and development, and enhance effective governance and management.

    Fedaration of American Society for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

    It is the mission of the Office of Public Affairs to monitor and study public developments affecting biomedical research, to sponsor a process whereby representatives from the FASEB Member Societies develop consensus on policy issues, and to present those consensus positions to policymakers and interested others. In addition, OPA engages in public outreach on biomedical research policy issues.

    FermiVista! : Recherche par mot-clef

    French Search Engine.


    FlyBase is a database of genetic and molecular data for Drosophila. It is available through FlyBase servers, as partial mirrors on other servers, as flat files, and as printed text (in special issues of Drosophila Information Service). The full database includes data files, documents, indices, forms, and images and is maintained on a multi-protocol server that supports a variety of tools and formats.

    Forensic Entomology Pages, International

    Forensic entomology can be said to be the application of the study of insects and other arthropods to legal issues. It can be divided in three subfields: urban, stored-product and medicolegal. It is the medicolegal aspect that I will discuss in this document.

    Free Internet Encyclopedia

    While there is a variety of material accessible through the Free Internet Encyclopedia which would be useful, educational, or entertaining for those not yet adults, no attempt has been made to filter out matter which may be inappropriate for children.

    Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing

    For all these specific computing terms...


     Construction and bootstrap analysis of DNA fingerprinting-based phylogenetic trees with the freeware program FreeTree: application to trichomonad parasites, by V. Hampl, A. Pavlicek and J. Flegr

    Frequently Asked Questions

    (FAQ) on RasMol and Chime

    From Genedoc to Rasmol: put 3D

    Sound complicated? Perhaps, but its really very easy. Let me show you what I did, just for fun of course

    Fungal net sources


    Gatsby supported projects

    The Gatsby Charitable Foundation, one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, is a grant making charity. The objects of the Foundation are general charitable purposes. It is the policy of the Trustees to concentrate on a few subjects at a time and to develop and implement programmes for them usually over a number of years. Supported by an administrative office, the trustees actively seek out practical, developmental and innovative projects and are generally not able to respond to unsolicited appeals.

    GCG Documentation

    This hypertext version of the Wisconsin Sequence Analysis Package Program Manual was formatted by Frédéric Plewniak from the Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC).


    Not Done.


    Not Done.

    GCG FAQ from accelrys


    GCG Manual

    Not Done.

    GCG Newsgroup

    Not Done.

    GCG Transcript

    Bio-Computing News for Users of the Wisconsin Package

    GCG under UNIX

    The entries are arranged into chapters according to function.

    GCG under Unix.

    The first chapter, "Using UNIX," describes basic UNIX operating system commands. The second chapter, "Using GCG Programs," describes how to run GCG commands.

    GCG User Guide

    Not Done.

    GCG10 BBSRC training manual


    Gel Electrophoresis

    Quick, Inexpensive, and Easy Exercises for Learning About Gel Electrophoresis '

    Gel-Pro electrophoresis gel analysis software

    Gel-Pro Analyzer is designed for life scientists using molecular biology/gel electrophoresis techniques who want improved solutions that increase laboratory efficiency and quality control when analyzing gels.


    With over 650 software entries, 360 journal speed links, and 100+ genome project links, you can be assured that you can find what you need, and find it quickly.

    Genamics JournalSeek

    Genamics JournalSeek is a database of molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, and general biology journals which are available (in whole or in part) through the internet. All information is fully searchable by various criteria. The database presently contains more than 360 different titles, and is growing rapidly.

    Genamics SoftwareSeek

    Genamics SoftwareSeek is a respository and database of freely-distributable and commercial tools for use in molecular biology and biochemistry.


    GenBank is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences ( Nucleic Acids Research 1998 Jan 1;26(1):1-7). There are approximately 1,622,000,000 bases in 2,356,000 sequence records as of June 1998. As an example, you may view the record for the neurofibromatosis gene.

    Gene Codes Corporation

    Makers of the Sequencher sequence analysis program for the Mac

    Gene Zine

    ...proudly presents all that you ever wanted to know about genes, but were afraid to ask.


    Peer-reviewed Gene articles in the field of Computational Molecular Biology, published by Elsevier Science in cooperation with the European Bioinformatics Institute


    GeneCards is a database of human genes, their products and their involvement in diseases. It offers concise information about the functions of all human genes that have an approved symbol, as well as selected others [gene listing]. It is especially useful for those who are searching for information about large sets of genes or proteins, e.g. for scientists working in functional genomics and proteomics.

    GeneCards: human genes, proteins and diseases

    GeneCards is a database of human genes, their products and their involvement in diseases. It offers concise information about the functions of all human genes that have an approved symbol, as well as selected others [gene listing]. It is particulary useful for people who wish to find information about genes of interest in the context of functional genomics and proteomics.


    A Full Featured Multiple Sequence Alignment Editor, Analyser and Shading Utility for Windows.

    Genedoc internal documentation

    A Full Featured Multiple Sequence Alignment Editor, Analyser and Shading Utility for Windows.

    GeneMed Network

    Gene Therapy Information Service


    GeneQuiz is an integrated system for large-scale biological sequence analysis, that goes from a protein sequence to a biochemical function, using a variety of search and analysis methods and up-to-date protein and DNA databases. Applying an "expert system" module to the results of the different methods, GeneQuiz creates a compact summary of findings. It focuses on deriving a predicted protein function, based on the available evidence, including the evaluation of the similarity to the closest homologue in the database (identical, clear, tentative, or marginal). The analysis yields everything that can possibly be extracted from the current databases, including three-dimensional models by homology, when the structure can be reliably calculated.

    Genetic Education Center

    For educators interested in human genetics and the human genome project.

    Genetic Programming Notebook

    Genetic programming is a branch of genetic algorithms. The main difference between genetic programming and genetic algorithms is the representation of the solution. Genetic programming creates computer programs in the lisp or scheme computer languages as the solution. Genetic algorithms create a string of numbers that represent the solution.

    Genetics Forum

    The Genetics Forum is the only independent organisation in the UK concerned with the use of new genetic technologies and their public policy implications. It was founded in 1989 by a group of scientists, lawyers and advocates from the animal welfare, environmental and consumer movements concerned about the long-term impact of rapid developments in the genetic sciences.


    Manufacturer of molecular biology equipment including Thermal cyclers, waterbaths, hybridisation equipment, in-situ equipment, sequencer glass for ABI sequencers, histology incubation/handling boxes


    Displays a sized and straightened gel image reconstructed from lanes.

    Genome Database

    Established at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA in 1990, the Genome Database (GDB) is the official central repository for genomic mapping data resulting from the Human Genome Initiative. The Human Genome Initiative is a worldwide research effort to analyze the structure of human DNA and determine the location and sequence of the estimated 100,000 human genes. In support of this project, GDB stores and curates data generated worldwide by those researchers engaged in the mapping effort of the Human Genome Project (HGP).

    Genome Jobs

    Genome Jobs is the central resource for employment in Genomics, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology and Biocomputing. We have listings of great career opportunities in Industry and Academia to save you time and help sharpen your focus.

    Genome web (The)

    The GenomeWeb is an authoritative collection of the best genome related sites on the Web. Brilliant! '

    GenomeWeb: Primer Design


    Genomic Arabidopsis Resource Network (Garnet)

    GARNet is intended to function as a platform for international Arabidopsis research and for research on other plant species.

    Genomics Jump station

    The Genomics Jump Station: The ultimate Web page for information and links on all aspects of Genomics Research. Institutes and groups involved in functional genomics, companies involved in functional genomics, publications on functional genomics, analysis of protein sequences, analysis of DNA sequences.


    Genetic Information Analysis, Japan

    Gilbert, Walter

    In the middle seventies, Allan Maxam and I developed the rapid chemical DNA sequencing. At this time, I also became interested in and developed some of the recombinant DNA techniques

    Glaxo-Wellcome Science

    See just how new techniques are improving our business and find out about the scientific research that Glaxo Wellcome and its collaborators are involved in

    GlaxoWellcome Home Page



    Jobs in UK


    Google uses sophisticated next-generation technology to produce the right results fast with every query. Google returns relevant results because it responds to your query using an automated method that ranks relevant websites based on the link structure of the Internet itself.

    GPRIME Package (The)

    Software package for the design of PCR primers for an aligned group of related nucleotide sequences.

    Great Plant Escape!

    This site involves solving plant mysteries, with the help of Detective Le Plant. It's great fun and a easy way to learn all about plants. '

    Guide to the Animal Kingdom for Students and Educators

    It is a simplified (and somewhat abbreviated) classification scheme for the whole animal kingdom. It represents a fairly traditional view of animal phylogeny (and is basically the scheme followed for information organization within the Zoological Record indexing service)

    Haemophilia B Mutation Database

    A database of point mutations and short additions and deletions in the factor IX gene v9.0

    Hazardous Chemical Database

    This database will allow the user to retreive information for any of 1991 hazardous chemicals based on a keyword search.

    Heart (the): An Online Exploration

    Explore the heart. Discover the complexities of its development and structure. Follow the blood through the blood vessels. Wander through the weblike body systems. Learn how to have a healthy heart and how to monitor your heart's health. Look back at the history of heart science. Soon, your fascination and curiosity may lead to understanding and respect. '


    Helix is a directory of laboratories performing disease-specific diagnostic and/or research testing of heritable disorders.

    Hermograph Press

    Press Articles.

    Hershey, Alferd Day

    Nobel prize in 1969 for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses

    HGMP-RC FUGU Project

    The UK MRC HGMP-RC FUGU Project is a comparative mapping project funded by the MRC to allow Sydney Brenner and Greg Elgar, through the HGMP, to generate a Landmark map of the puffer fish, Fugu rubripes (Fugu) genome.

    HHMI's BioInteractive: Virtual Labs

    Use cutting-edge DNA sequencing techniques and powerful database searches to identify an unknown bacterial species! In this lab, you will learn about polymerase chain reaction (PCR), automatic DNA sequencers, and the science of using a database of known DNA sequences to identify an organism.

    HMS Beagle

    The BioMedNet Magazine ' . The subscription is free and the journal has new scientific articles every week.

    Homework High

    Got a problem with your homework? Check out this Channel 4 site, where there are real experts online to help you. You can post a question in one of the live sessions, search through all the previously answered questions and chat to other students about your homework problems.

    Homology Modeling for Beginners

    Homology models are useful to get a rough idea where the alpha carbons of key residues sit the folded protein. They can guide mutagenesis experiments, or hypotheses about structure-function relationships.

    Hot Bot

    Fast Search Engine.

    Hovi: ICT training solutions for UK schools

    We bring together a range of expertise in education, software development, commercial ICT training and international linkages.

    How do enzymes work

    A collection of experiments which show how enzymes work.

    HTML Compendium

    The Compendium of HTML Elements (a.k.a. "the Compendium", a.k.a. "htmlcompendium.org", a.k.a. "the comp") is a reference for the HyperText Markup Language. It is unabridged. (This means you get the whole ball of wax. -- the bees, honey, wax and the stingers!)

    Human Anatomy Online

    Welcome to Human Anatomy On-line the place for fun, interactive and educational views of the human body.

    Human and Mouse Genetics


    Human Chromosome 21

    Chromosome 21 (HSA 21) is the smallest human autosome: the short arm (21p) is 8-10Mb, and the long arm (21q) is 40 Mb. A number of human pathologies are associated with genetic anomalies affecting chromosome 21.

    Human Chromosome 21

    Chromosome 21 is the smallest human chromosome. Three copies of this autosome cause Down syndrome, the most frequent genetic disorder associated with significant mental retardation. ....

    Human Chromosome Launchpad

    Links to Research Resources for Each Chromosome

    Human Genome Project


    Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine

    Large-scale genomic sequencing at Baylor College of Medicine began in 1993 in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Gibbs. The Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center was established in 1996 as a one of six large-scale sequencing pilot projects funded by NHGRI.

    Human Mitochondrial DNA Sequence

    this sequence is Genbank's updated version as of April 18, 1997 (Accession #J01415) with the exception that further corrections have been made and annotated per the recent reanalysis by Andrews etal (1999). Rare polymorphisms are shown with flanking blue nucleotides. Corrected sequencing errors are shown with flanking red nucleotides. The L-strand is shown.

    Human Physiology, Online Learning Center



    We put the most up-to-date databases and software packages at your fingertips. Our main program package - HUSAR - offers more than 250 applications for DNA and protein analysis. In addition to the latest, complete version of the GCG package (which makes up only about 50% of our applications), you can use tools developed by us and by ranking researchers in the bioinformatics field.

    Hypertextbook : Mendelian Genetics

    A very precise explanation and description of the vocabulary used in genetics.

    Iconic you: custom bookmark icons

    As you gaze despondently at your meaninglessly uniform bookmarks, you notice one that's different. The Builder.com bookmark has an eye-catching logo in front of it! Good thing you bookmarked it--if Builder can do it, surely you can do it too.

    IGC: EcoNet

    Working to support ecological sustainability and environmental justice.

    Image-Pro Plus scientific image analysis software

    Image-Pro Plus is designed for researchers and technicians who need improved solutions for image analysis and image data collection.

    IMB Jena Biocomputing Group: The RNA World at IMB


    IMB Jena Global Library: Software Documentation

    A list of useful software.

    IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules

    The IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules contains visual and other information on three-dimensional biopolymer structures. It provides access to all structure entries deposited at the Protein Data Bank (PDB) or at the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB). In addition, general information on the architecture of biopolymer structures is available.

    IMGT - International ImMunoGeneTics Database

    IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database, is a high-quality integrated database specialising in Immunoglobulins (Ig), T-cell receptors (TcR) and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules of all vertebrate species. IMGT includes two databases : LIGM-DB, a comprehensive database of Ig and TcR from human and other vertebrates and MHC/HLA-DB (in development). A tool, IMGT/DNAPLOT, will allow Ig, TcR and MHC sequence analysis.

    IMGT Repertoire

    The IMGT Repertoire, the global Web Resource in ImMunoGeneTics for the Immunoglobulins and T cell Receptors of human and other vertebrates, provides an easy-to-use interface to carefully expertized data on the genome, proteome, polymorphism and structure of the Ig and TcR. Proteome and polymorphism data are represented by protein displays, alignments of alleles, and tables of alleles. Structural data comprise 2D graphical representations designated as Colliers de Perles.

    IMGT, international ImMunoGeneTics database

    IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database, is a high-quality integrated database specialising in Immunoglobulins (Ig), T cell receptors (TcR) and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules of all vertebrate species, created in 1989 by Marie-Paule Lefranc (Université Montpellier II, CNRS). IMGT, a European project since 1992, works in close collaboration with EBI.

    Immunology Consultants Laboratory

    Immunology Consultants Laboratory, Inc. is a 25 year old company dedicated to providing you with the highest quality immunology products at the most reasonable price.

    Immunology Lectures

    Advances in immunology continues to be made at exploding rate and text book is out of date before it is printed. These lectures were written for inclusion on the Internet so that modern concepts of immunology would be more accessible to students and the material could be linked to other sources and updated with the help of computer technology. The Introduction provides general orientation to immunology and background information with further development of the concepts in later lectures.

    Imperial Cancer Research Fund

    Imperial Cancer Research Fund is a registered UK charity dedicated to saving lives through research into the causes, prevention, treatment and cure of cancer.

    Index of Indices

    Finding People

    Index of RNA structures from PDB and NDB


    Inferring Phylogenies: Joseph Felsenstein

    Phylogenies (evolutionary trees) are basic to thinking about and analyzing differences between species. Statistical, computational, and algorithmic work on them has been ongoing for four decades, with great advances in understanding. Yet no book has summarized this work until now. Inferring Phylogenies explains clearly the assumptions and logic of making inferences about phylogenies, and using them to make inferences about evolutionary processes. It is an essential text and reference for anyone who wants to understand how phylogenies are reconstructed and how they are used.


    Scholarly internet resource


    InforMax Develops Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis Software and Provides Bioinformatics System Integration for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies.

    Insect Zoo

    Our goal is to educate children about insects by providing hands-on experience under the guidance of a capable entomologist.


    Information network of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (InSITE). InSITE is dedicated to exploring ways in which the Internet can benefit teacher education programs.

    inSITE; Training for teachers list of resources

    The following sites represent the result of some preliminary research into organizations that are concerned with the use of Information Technology and Teacher Education and Training in the United Kingdom.

    Institute for Biomedical Computing

    Our mission is to advance biology and medicine through the development of novel computational methods, and where necessary hardware. We are dedicated to the solution of challenging problems with a multidisciplinary approach.

    Instructional Resources in Biology

    This division of the WWW VL Biosciences covers resources either explicitly designed for teaching biology or which are likely to be useful to educators.

    Integrated pest management (IPM) Publications

    The manuals include: guidelines for more effective pesticide application; the biology of key pests and their natural enemies; and the management and prevention of resistance.

    Integrated Taxonomic Information System

    The goal is to create an easily accessible database with reliable information on species names and their hierarchical classification. The database will be reviewed periodically to ensure high quality with valid classifications, revisions, and additions of newly described species. The ITIS includes documented taxonomic information of flora and fauna from both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. .

    Interactive Biochemistry


    Interactive programs for Molecular Biology

    Requires Shockwave


    Helping schools around the world connect to the Internet : We are commited to using the Internet to bring children around the world from different cultures closer together. In particular we are working to ensure that all children, rich or poor, will one day be able to have access to the Internet in their schools. We hope that this will help to break down some of the existing cultural and geographical barriers between children and promote global understanding for future generations.

    Interface of evolution and development

    Our research addresses biological problems arising at the interface of evolution and development.

    International Financial Encyclopaedia

    The knowledge contained here is arranged to make it as easy as possible to find what you are looking for and to move through this base of knowledge to related information. It is a rubicon of modern management and technology knowledge which contains information for businesses operating in the computerised 1990's and beyond.

    International Plant Names Index

    The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) is a database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of all seed plants. Its goal is to eliminate the need for repeated reference to primary sources for basic bibliographic information about plant names. The data are freely available and are gradually being standardized and checked. IPNI will be a dynamic resource, depending on direct contributions by all members of the botanical community.

    International Society for Computational Biology

    Provides a list of training programs in bioinformatics and computational biology

    Internet for the Molecular Biologist

    It is now over six years since Walter Gilbert, in a prescient commentary in "Nature", urged molecular biologists to develop computer literacy and to "hook our individual computers into the worldwide network that gives us access to daily changes in the databases and also makes immediate our communications with each other" (Gilbert, 1991. Towards a paradigm shift in biology. Nature. 349: 99). If you have not yet heeded this advice then you have much to gain by learning now because, as Gilbert anticipated, the Internet is where we find many of the key tools with which we perform our craft.

    Internet Public Library : Reference Center

    In essence, the IPL Reference Center is a grand experiment. After a lot of talk about providing reference services over the Internet, we decided to seize the bull by the horns and actually try to do it. Whether we are successful or not, we hope that our experiences can serve as examples to the rest of the library and Internet communities. '

    Internet Tutorial in Biochemistry and Biophysics: Biomolecular Structures

    Biomolecular Structures is an Internet tutorial intended as a computer-based laboratory exercise for undergraduate students in basic biochemistry.

    Introduction to Evolutionary Biology

    This site provides an introduction to the study of Evolution. It also looks into the controversies surrounding Evolution.

    Introduction to Microarray Technology


    Introduction to mitosis

    The purpose of this page is to show interested individuals how mitosis occur.

    Introduction to Protein Structure

    This project develops, tests and incorporates into introductory chemistry and biology courses a series of modules based on important scientific themes: molecular aspects of biological structures, bonding and intermolecular forces, dynamics including enzymes and catalysis, aspects of equilibria especially acids and bases, energy and thermodynamics, organic reaction mechanisms especially metabolism, and bioethics.

    Introduction to the annelida, everybody's favorite worms

    Segmented worms make up the Phylum Annelida. The phylum includes earthworms and their relatives, leeches, and a large number of mostly marine worms known as polychaetes. Various species of polychaete are known as lugworms, clam worms, bristleworms, fire worms, sea mice, and "EWWW! I stepped on that THING!"

    Introductory Statistics Tutorial

    Basic statistics concepts explained: mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, correlation coefficient.


    The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee was formed in 1984 to provide a coordinated crop protection industry response to the development of resistance in insect and mite pests.

    Jacob, Francois

    The work of François Jacob has dealt mainly with the genetic mechanisms existing in bacteria and bacteriophages, and with the biochemical effects of mutations.

    Java based Molecular Biologist's Workbench

    The programs and documentation that you will find hereby enclosed had been put together in order to try to give a free access to the exploitment of the most common bioinformatic operations that a molecular biologist currently has...

    Javascipt Reference

    This book is a reference manual for the JavaScript language, including objects in the core language and both client-side and server-side extensions. JavaScript is Netscape's cross-platform, object-based scripting language for client and server applications.


    he Definitive JavaScript Resource: JavaScript Tutorials and Free Java Scripts

    Journal of Biological Chemistry

    On-Line Biological Chemistry journals.

    Journal of Molecular Biology

    The Journal of Molecular Biology publishes original scientific research concerning studies of organisms or their components at the molecular level. Published weekly, the journal provides up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of molecular biology.

    Journal of the ITTE

    Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education is a fully-refereed international journal concerned with the implications for teacher education, both pre-service and in-service, of all aspects of information technology. Contributions are published in the form of original theoretical works, research reports, literature reviews, software and book reviews, conference reports, and announcements about the development of information technology theory and practice in teacher education.

    Journey North 1998

    A global study of wildlife migration.


    Jpred is a internet web server that takes either a protein sequence or a mulitple alignment of protein sequences, and predicts secondary structure. It works by combining a number of modern, high quality prediction methods to form a consensus.

    Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators

    Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is a classified list of sites on the Internet found to be useful for enhancing curriculum and teacher professional growth. It is updated daily to keep up with the tremendous number of new World Wide Web sites.

    Keck Center for Computational Biology: Software

    We are developing a list of downloadable software produced by trainees and faculty who are affiliated with or draw on the facilities of the W. M. Keck Center for Computational Biology in Houston, TX.

    Ken's Bio-Web References

    Over 2,500 web site references are now listed in 12 popular biological subject areas: Animal Structure & Function, Animal Behavior, Cell Chemistry, Cell Structure & Function, Ecology, Evolution, General Biology References, Mendelian Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Human Physiology, Microbiology, Plant Physiology and Marine/Aquatic Biology.

    New Scientist Planet Science: Site of the Day I

    Kimball's Biology Pages

    The pages consist of alphabetized lists of biological terms (a glossary) mostly from the areas of molecular and cellular biology. Many items are linked to "mini" essays on the topic.

    Kimball's Biology Pages: Meiosis

      The pages consist of alphabetized lists of biological terms (a glossary) mostly from the areas of molecular and cellular biology. Many items are linked to "mini" essays on the topic.

    Kimball's Biology Pages: Meiosis


    Kimball's Biology Pages: Mitosis

    The pages consist of alphabetized lists of biological terms (a glossary) mostly from the areas of molecular and cellular biology. Many items are linked to "mini" essays on the topic.

    Kimball's Biology Pages: Mitosis



    Kindred is a program that (a) Stores and maintains data on families and members of families, and (b) Automatically draws pedigrees in a format suitable for presentation/publication.

    Klotho: Alphabetical Compound List

    This site contains a huge list of compounds. Contains structure, composition and other information regarding many compounds.

    Knex DNA models

    Simple and informative models of DNA can be built with K'NEX ® brand constructors, found at most toy stores. These models, which take only a few minutes to build, illustrate many important physical properties of DNA including the major and minor grooves, antiparallel strands, right-handed and left-handed helices, positive and negative supercoiling, molecular flexibility, etc.

    Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology

    An essential new resource for molecular biologists and geneticists.

    Lahabra Senior High

    Located between the Coyote Hills to the south and Whittier Hills to the north, La Habra High School opened in 1954 and graduated its first class in 1956. The city's namesake school, LHHS reflects not only its own pride but that of the surrounding community.

    LAMARC - Likelihood Analysis with Metropolis Algorithm using Random Coalescence

    LAMARC is a package of programs for computing population parameters, such as population size, population growth rate and migration rates by using likelihoods for samples of data (sequences, microsatellites, and electrophoretic polymorphisms) from populations. It approximates the summation of likelihood over all possible gene genealogies that could explain the observed sample.

    Large-Scale Gene Expression and Microarray Links and Resources

    This site is a collection of web resources and pointers to information on large-scale gene expression studies, and especially microarray technologies. The links included are biased towards the development and applications of informatics and bioinformatics for these technologies.

    Latest satellite photo over Europe


    Leber Optic Atrophy

    LHON presents in mid-life as acute or subacute central vision loss leading to central scotoma and blindness. To date, the disease has been associated with 18 missense mutations in the mtDNA that can act autonomously or in association with each other to cause the disease.

    Lesson PLan for teachers on Nuclear Energy

    The purpose of this document is to establish separate and distinct teaching units on nuclear related subjects which can be taught in the classroom by NRC employees. And, in some instances, the instructional units can be modified to be taught by teachers with varying degrees of knowledge in this subject area.

    Life - Cliassification




    Links of interest in cell and developmental biology



    LinSys3d is a program that helps you working with L-Systems.


    The Lipid Thermodynamic Database Project was initiated to collect in one, central depository all information on lipid mesomorphic and polymorphic transitions and miscibility. The data on the subject have been accumulating rapidly in the literature, and only episodic, less­than­comprehensive compendia have been published.

    Lipids Online

    Welcome to the online cardiovascular resource for clinicians, researchers and educators. Lipids Online is designed to be your information lifeline on atherosclerosis and other lipid disorders. Whether you're staying informed or informing others, these pages give you instant access to reliable, cutting-edge information and educational tools on effectively managing and preventing cardiovascular disease.

    Lipids, structure and function

    Lipids are a diverse group of biological substances made up primarily or exclusively of nonpolar groups. As a result of their nonpolar character, lipids typically dissolve more readily in nonpolar solvents such as acetone, ether, chloroform, and benzene, than in water...

    List managed by Gary Rhodes

    Users of, or anyone interested in, Deep View (Swiss-PdbViewer).

    List of services at EBI

    List of services at EBI

    Living Library

    Library of science information.

    Loopy Land: Ideas resources and links for teachers and other insane beings.


    LVB 1.0, phylogeny software

    Reconstructing evolution with parsimony and simulated annealing.
    A free computer program by Daniel Barker.

    Lwoff, Andre Michel

    There were many other investigations on growth factors for flagellates and ciliates with regard to growth factors, loss of function, and physiological development until the time when Lwoff began working on the problem of lysogenic bacteria.



    LINKS STARTING FROM alphabet "M" INDEX ONWORDS AVAILABLE in the following link:

    >>>>>>>>>=====CLICK HERE=====<<<<<<<<<<<<


educational tools on effectively managing and preventing cardiovascular disease.

Lipids, structure and function

Lipids are a diverse group of biological substances made up primarily or exclusively of nonpolar groups. As a result of their nonpolar character, lipids typically dissolve more readily in nonpolar solvents such as acetone, ether, chloroform, and benzene, than in water...

List managed by Gary Rhodes

Users of, or anyone interested in, Deep View (Swiss-PdbViewer).

List of services at EBI

List of services at EBI

Living Library

Library of science information.

Loopy Land: Ideas resources and links for teachers and other insane beings.


LVB 1.0, phylogeny software

Reconstructing evolution with parsimony and simulated annealing.
A free computer program by Daniel Barker.

Lwoff, Andre Michel

There were many other investigations on growth factors for flagellates and ciliates with regard to growth factors, loss of function, and physiological development until the time when Lwoff began working on the problem of lysogenic bacteria.



LINKS STARTING FROM alphabet "M" INDEX ONWORDS AVAILABLE in the following link:

>>>>>>>>>=====CLICK HERE=====<<<<<<<<<<<<